Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Moore Refuses To Meet With Constituents

On July 21, I spoke with loyal staffer Mike Patterson. I said Mike, Mr. Moore should present Health Care reform to his constituents.

Patterson said that Moore does not like to meet with groups. He wants to meet one on one. He is afraid to discuss issues outside of Washington.

I am not sure what the solution is. Possibilities include:

1) Thousands of us making an appointment
2) Staging a peaceful demonstration at his office or home
3) What else? I am not sure


  1. I think you are making a good point. That is the whole purpose of the August recess, (for Congress to go home and meet with their constituents. Since he will not agree to such a meeting, it is only reasonable to take it to him. After all, he works for us. If such a peaceful demonstration were to be arranged, I would be happy to attend and rally like minded friends to do the same. I suggest contacting Darla Jay to get the word out.

  2. There is to be a Protest Rally at Dennis Moore's office on Santa Fe in Overland Park on Saturday, August 22, from 10:00-12:00.
