Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Neo Coms Protest In Lawrence

Dennis Moores' base, the neo communists (neo coms) in Lawrence and KCK, protested at Lawrence city hall. This was no doubt organized by and Organizingtodeatamerica


Friday, September 18, 2009

Dennis Moore To Appear Monday September 20

Want to see the elusive Dennis Moore? Maybe try to ask a health care question?

According to the Kansas City Kansas

"U.S. Rep. Dennis Moore (D-KS) will help present World War II veteran Raymond Schrader with the French Legion of Honor award, the highest distinction France bestows upon those who served in battles.

Moore, along with French Liaison Officer Col. Jean-Claude Brejot and Brigadier Gen. Alex Duckworth, will make the presentation next Monday at the Kansas National Guard Armory at 100 S. 20th St. in KCK."

Saturday, September 12, 2009

How About A Real Competitive Solution?

Prez Obama stated in his health care/insurance reform speech he wants a public option that competes with private insurers. He said the "public" plan would have to be non-deficit producing, just work on its own.

Now I agree with the idea of competition ... except the government is not and should not be a business (how is gm and Chrysler working out?).

The key to decreasing medical costs is allowing MORE competion. Allow insurers to compete across state lines ... encourage the insurers to be more creative. Also, create a template that allows indiduals to purchase health care directly from medical professionals. This can be combined with their insurance.

People need to see the actual cost that insurance is covering. I know they get statements mailed to them. But we should see the costs upfront ... and be able to find the "deal" that we like.

Medicare is a single payer system, and the SERVICE works. The economics do not. Medicare has trilllions in unfunded liabilities over time. Because Medicare does not cover the actual costs of medical service, the private sector, the medical community, needs to charge more to make up for the losses Medicare creates.

And what about the pharmaceutical industry? What are these cost savings agreements that the white house has negotiated? Are they secret?

Obama is right about the problem of increasing medical costs and insurance.

He should use his intelligence and charm to encourage the private sector to develop a range of cost-effective, competitive solutions.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Drudge ... Now 44 Dems Not For HR 3200, Moore SILENT

Borrowing from the Drudgereport (its a must read at, now 44 "more moderate" ... read that scared of reelection, are now against the massive government health control bill known as HR3200.

Wed Sep 09 2009 17:03:37 ET

At least 44 more moderate Members of the Democrat Caucus have gone on the record in opposition to the current health care bill in the House, a Hill source claims. Likewise, at least 57 liberal Members of the Democrat Caucus have gone on the record saying they will vote against a health care bill without a strong public option.

Unless multiple Democrats flip on their stated position on health care, Speaker Pelosi lacks the votes to pass a bill through the House on the strength of Democrat votes alone.


44 Democrats Opposed

1. Rep. Altmire
2. Rep. Adler
3. Rep. Barrow
4. Rep. Boren
5. Rep. Boucher
6. Rep. Boyd
7. Rep. Bright
8. Rep. Carney
9. Rep. Childers
11. Rep. Cleaver
12. Rep. Cooper
13. Rep. Costello
14. Rep. Cuellar
15. Rep. Dahlkamper
16. Rep. Davis
17. Rep. Driehaus
18. Rep. Ellsworth
19. Rep. Gordon
20. Rep. Griffith
21. Rep. Halvorson
22. Rep. Hill
23. Rep. Holden
24. Rep. Kanjorski
25. Rep. Kaptur
26. Rep. F Kratovil
27. Rep. Marshall
28. Rep. Massa
29. Rep. Melancon
30. Rep. McIntyre
31. Rep. Minnick
32. Rep. Murtha
33. Rep. Oberstar
34. Rep. Ortiz
35. Rep. Perriello
36. Rep. Peterson
37. Rep. Polis
38. Rep. Pomeroy
39. Rep. Ross
40. Rep. Shuler
41. Rep. Stupak
42. Rep. Tanner
43. Rep. Taylor
44. Rep. Titus

Dennis is silent, and that speaks volumes

23 House Dems May Vote No on Government Health Takeovre, Moore Silent

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

23 House Dems To Vote No On Socialized Health, Moore Still Refuses To Talk

23 scared dems have reported they would vote no on a health care plan with the public (private sector busting) option. See:

Ole Dennis keeps playing the guitar and attending spelling bee awards. Good job Dennis, a true man of pelosi ... I mean the people.

There is no reason to believe these dems will stick to their decision. If pelosi needs their votes, she will get them the chicago way ... she will pay them off ... with money for projects or future consulting/lobbying jobs.

The dem congress has already shown that their constituents are in the way, an unnecessary and unneeded impediment to a far left agenda. If only she could deny seniors health treatment NOW ... maybe they would shut up die off and.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Mary Jo Kopechne

Please observe a moment of silence for Mary Jo Kopechne. If you don't remember who she was, perform an internet search.

Now that the senator has passed, bow your head, and let's do what the left has tried to do. MOVE ON!!!

One of the radio talk shoes made a statement today .... simple and worth thinking about.

Does the state own your body? If not, we MUST not allow any public option to proceed, as it will be there for the primary purpose of ousting private insurance.

It comes down to a question of FREEDOM. It really is simple. Let's have insurance reform with an absolute minimum of government involvement.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Let's Defeat The Progressives, One Dem At A Time

My blog is obviously about Dennis Moore, blue dog/secret Progressive from Kansas.

I decided my best effort is to focus on defeating Moore in the 2010 election. Please take on a progressive wherever your district is.

There are ample people speaking about national issues, and doing so effectively.

For those of us that are just normal folks .. you know, not paid by insurance companies, the republican nation committee or anyone else, I propose we focus on defeating our local progressive.

You CAN make a difference. I will sacrifice some of time and earnings to oust my congressman ... he does NOT represent me, and does not represent the middle class. In fact, he represents government, not his district. He cares NOT what his constituents care about.

If you have a chance, buy and read RULES FOR RADICALS by Saul Alinsky. He was a dedicated communist committed to CHANGE by any mean necessary ... especially lying. This is the bible for obama. Alinsky's book outlined how to achieve what you want by just saying what people would respond to ... basically, how to lie.

Alinsky, like the messiah, barack, wanted to destroy the middle class.

Did you know Hillary Clinton was a disciple of Alinsky?

Read it, and know the enemy. And lets get rid of progressives, by voting, one dem at a time.

It is a matter of FREEDOM Vs Tyranny.

Goodbye Dennis.

Medicare & Social Security Owes $18.7 Trillion

Here a nice number, and a conservative one at that.

According to radical blog:

"Together Medicare and Social Security would need an additional $18.7 trillion in the bank right now to meet the benefits promised over the next 75 years. That gives you an idea of the hole we are in. Annual GDP is around $14 trillion."

What is that radical blog? PBS ... you know the government funded media.

You can verify that at Of course, that was in May and the numbers are most likely higher now.

According to the National Center For Policy Analysis, the number is a staggering (even in the Obama era) $107 trillion ... we are not talking billions anymore, that is trillion. See

Think what might happen if we get government owned health care. Your kids may be paying 25, 30 35 % of their income just for health care.

I am a professional researcher but I did not personally research these items. Raed the source material for yourself.

Better yet, maybe Dennis Moore's loyal apologists should read it. Dennis himself? NAH ... too busy.

"Progressives" and Socialism

I am a former left winger, and am happy to report I have recovered.

I think about my transformation. I had radical left wing parents ... my father was blacklisted. I protested the Vietnam War (and rightfully so). I experienced first hand on May Day Nixon's goons coming out of Hertz Rental Trucks with blackjacks swinging. I was chased in Washington DC on an unusually cold day in May with brutal wind ... but not as brutal as the Nixon thugs.

Back in those days, circa 1970, we protested for Free Speech. Does anyone remember the Berkeley Free Speech Movement that started in 1964?

Fast forward ... here I am today. And free speech is still an issue. But the issue is, the people of the 1960's (which included myself at that time). have now taken over politically and SUPPRESS free speech. What is wrong with that picture?

Look at the so called democrats putting down protestors at the town hall meetings (for those that had the guts to have them).

Here is the issue as I see it. The "Progressives" have a political majority although they are a small minority when considering the total population.

How can you argue with "progressive"? I mean, if you are not progressive, you must be regressive ... and that sounds evil.

I have come to understand that the progressives push one thing ... and that is progressive (or incremental) socialism ... incremental government control. One building block at a time. And over time, that takes an awful lot of political space.

It is my personal conclusion that I prefer Freedom; I respect the need for a certain amount of government, but that needs to be as little as possible.

Government is rarely if ever efficient ... bureaucrats are not accountable. When DC takes over, you loose personal freedom. This country ws founded on freedom ... and you know what? Freedom is STILL a good idea.

I guess I am revolutionary ... I believe in freedom. So be it.

Sorry Dennis, Sorry Barack ... I do not want to sacrifice my freedom so your little bureaucrat can tell me how to live my life.

Dennis Moore May Speak ... KMBZ, KCMO Listen Up!

Dennis Moore represents government, not us.

Radio stations 980 and 710 have tried to get this guy on radio ... you know ... just to talk.

Since he won't, I have an idea.

According to Yahoo white pages, there are 72 Dennis Moore's in Kansas. Let's contact one or more of those and see if they will give an interview with callers.

Use the URL and pick the Dennis Moore of your choice.

At this point, does it really matter if the "real" Dennis shows up?

Refusal To Meet With ... People

I published on July 22 that this progressive in blue dog clothing would not meet with us.

His staff told me that ... he does not like to meet in public places.

Suddenly, in mid-August, Moore states he can't have a Town Hall meeting because he received "threats". Oh really? What exactly were these threats?

I am sorry to say that Dennis is an outright liar. After his staff said he refused to meet with actual people, he needed to develop an excuse.

Sorry Dennis, you have lost your credibility. I would be pleased to help you and your staff polish those resume's ... because after November 2010, you and yours will need to face reality.

I'm sure you can go back to your law firm( Erker and Moore; I think it is now Erker Norton & Hare) .... or better yet, become a lobbyist. Maybe you can lobby to prevent tort reform so that John Edwards can make more millions suing doctors to pay off his paternity suit. By the way, Erker et al specialize in DUI, divorce and personal injury.

So when this guy looses, go see him to sue your government doctor.

Dennis Moore Is Not A Blue Dog Democrat

What is a Blue Dog Democrat?

In theory, a blue dog dem?

According to the sometimes accurate wikipedia:

A Blue Dog "is often involved in finding a compromise between liberal and conservative positions ... They generally work to promote positions within the House of Representatives that bridge the gap between center-right and left-wing politics."

Now come on, Dennis has not met a deficit increasing spending bill he did not like. He has voted for trillions of dollars of debt. Moore's chickens ... will come home ... to roost.

Energy control/climate "save the earth". Oh yes, he voted for the bill that will cost US (people, obviously not that important), trillions and million of jobs.

Clunkers? Yah you bet as they say in Wisconsin. STimulus/massive pork ... of course.

This guy is out of touch and out of control.

While in the Blue Dog caucus, he votes the progressive/left/socialist line.

Hey Moore ... come out and talk to Johnson County constituents.

Even the radio ... NPR? who listens. KMBZ has a number of talk show people that will give you a chance to speak your piece. And you would not have to even look a voter in the eye.

Honorable Dennis Moore ... put your tail between your legs and let Rahm and Barack smile at you so you can make the "progressive" choice.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Moore Refuses To Meet With Constituents

On July 21, I spoke with loyal staffer Mike Patterson. I said Mike, Mr. Moore should present Health Care reform to his constituents.

Patterson said that Moore does not like to meet with groups. He wants to meet one on one. He is afraid to discuss issues outside of Washington.

I am not sure what the solution is. Possibilities include:

1) Thousands of us making an appointment
2) Staging a peaceful demonstration at his office or home
3) What else? I am not sure

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

An Idea For Conservatism

I am a recovering left winger. During the 1960's/70's, I was active in demonstrating against the Vietnam War. I was chased on the streets of Washington, D.C. on mayday 1971. I saw the goons dispatched by Nixon emptying out of Hertz box rental trucks wielding big clubs and swinging them at just about anyone. I was exposed early to very left wing ideas.

Yet, after filtering out information, reading, talking ... you know .... finding out for myself, I decided that I was indeed a conservative on most issues. Liberterian on some, maybe liberal on one or two. But decidedly conservative.

I had no religious upbringing. I am not now religious.

I have observed that many liberals and moderates view conservatives carte blanche as the Religious Right. That is just not so. I see the religious right as part of the conservative umbrella.

I make the case to not make religion a centerpiece of conservatism. Values are not limited to the religious.

I propose that Secular Conservatism is perhaps one way to get the message out. There are many moderates that don't like the perceived religious underpinnings of conservatism. Personally, I could not care less about a persons individual characteristics ... religion, race, sexual preference, income, cars they drive, where they came from ... any of it.

This idea of Secular Conservatism is not new ... it is just now prominent. I don't know the person, but there is a blog entitled

How does this relate to Dennis Moore? Glad you asked. The more we can expand the universe of persons open to defeating Dennis, the more likely it is to send him packing. He needs a real job again.

It's nothing personal Dennis. It is just that your party is behaving like they are in a Roman orgy ... of money. Any democrats defeated bring a chance for financial reality.

My Own Small Effort For Change

Okay, I almost can't take it anymore. I decided that rather than just raise my blood pressure on all issues, to channel my energy to something that I may be able to influence ... Dennis Moore's occupation.

Washington has truly run amuck. It is out of control. I am not sure what "ISM" is coming out of Washington, but I am sure there has been a polar reversal. What was "pro American" is now considered radical. What was anti-American is now in command.

Socialism? Marxism? Fascism? Statism? Probably a combination of those but the President (I use a capital P out of respect for the office) is the most statist, authoritarian, narcissist elected politician I have ever seen.

My small effort for change is to help expose how Dennis Moore is participating in the carnage. The alleged blue dog, guitar playing democrat from a red state needs to find a new job. If you have ever spoken to one of his sometimes indugnant (but well paid) phone help, you may agree that Dennis and his assistants are too enamored of the power of Washington.

My very first blog ever was caused by the Climate Change bill he voted for. You may know this bill, House Bill H.R. 2454, as the Cap and Trade bill. But no, Dennis and his lying staffers admit to no such bill. They say the Honorable Mr. Moore only voted foe a Jobs bill.

HUH? WHat is that.

The people that have stolen power, and trillions of dollars (that would be the group collectively know as the democrats), realized that Americans do not consider global warming (if it is occurring) as an important issue. Cap and Trade simply puts the highly efficient government in charge of ALL energy use and therefore all industry (except gool ole "volunteer" groups like acorn. But more about these issues later.

The purpose of House Bill 2454 is to try and influence the surface temperature of the earth. The method to do so was by reducing energy use INVOLUNTARILY. The government will tell you what you can use and they will set the price.

But in order to sell these insane ideas, the dems created a jobs bill. IT IS NOT A JOBS BILL.

Dennis Moore ... YOU ARE LYING TO YOUR DISTRICT. You are trying to implement total government control over energy use. The result of the bill would be greatly increased energy cost, government control over energy usage. Effect on Climate? None. More government? Yes. Oh I get it, it increases the number of green workers that monitor energy use.

Mr. Moore ... you called out on this subject. Calling your office is worthless. Communicating to others may be helpful.